Wireless eduroam


using macOS

The tutorial is made for macOS Monterey V. 12.6 , we mention that for the other versions or distributions of the operating system the steps will be followed by analogy.
To be able to set up the wireless connection, your computer must be equipped with an ethernet adapter (“network card”), the corresponding drivers must be correctly installed, in the control panel -> Network Connections the interface must be enabled, and the IP address be obtained using  DHCP.

If you are part of an EDUROAM affiliated institution and have an account within it, you can connect to the wireless network of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University or you can create a PPPoE connection with your username and password. Note: Users who already have a network access account and password will go directly to Step  II.

Step I

  • At this time, when opening any web page, you will be redirected to the registration page to create an Internet access account.
  • You have to complete the student form

Attention !!! By completing the registration form, you declare that you agree with the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University’s Security Policy and Security Plan. 

  • After completing the form, you can verify the existence and find out the name of the created account (generally it is of the form firstname.lastname) by accessing its verification page.
  • If during the data verification, discrepancies were found between the data entered by you in the registration form and those in the database of the University “Al. I. Cuza”, your account will not be created.

The authentication system is case sensitive. If during registration you filled in the form with capital letters (using Shift or Caps Lock) the password will be entered in the same way!!

After the data has been processed and you have obtained the username (in general it is of the form firstname.name) you can proceed to setting up the PPPoE connection, as follows:

Step II

  • To be able to create the wireless connection, you need to download and open the application  below using the Safari browser.
  • Follow the tutorial